We tend to think that we know our body perfectly, how it functions and what kinds of processes occur every second. But the truth is that human body is such a wonderland. A convoluted and mysterious wonderland.

It took hundreds of thousand years of evolution to make us true wonder and most intelligent organism of planet earth. Human body is an amazing machine created by nature.

                                                   Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

 You may know some processes and facts about your body but trust me, there are plenty of things you don’t know about it even though we spend whole life with ourselves.

 Like, did you know that just like fingerprints, humans also have unique tongue prints? And the resolution of human eye is about 576 megapixels in camera terms. I’m sure it’s hard to believe for you. But these are some reasons I called human body a “wonderland”.

So, today we are here to discuss and know about some fascinating and unbelievable facts of human body.

1.     Human brain generates enough electricity to power a small LED bulb. Brain can generate about 25-30 watts electricity when we are awake. So next time when power cut happens in your area, light up your house with your brain.

2.     Humans are the only animals with chin.

3.     The brain uses over a quarter of the oxygen used by human body. Though, it weighs about 2% of total body weight.

4.     Our nose and ears never stop growing until we die. This is because our nose and ears are made up of cartilage and cartilage is made of collagen and other fibres that begin to breakdown as we age. By the effect of gravity, our nose and earlobes sag and become larger.

5.     The strongest muscle of the human body by weight is masseter (jaw muscle).

With the help of other two jaw muscles it can close the incisors with the force of 55 pounds and 200 pounds of the force on the molars.

6.     Total weight of bacteria in human body is 4 pounds. In fact, there are more bacteria in your mouth than the total number of people live on earth.

7.     The average human body contains enough carbon to make 900 pencils, enough iron to make a 3-inches long metal nail, enough water to fill 50 litre barrel and enough fat to make 7 bars of soap. Come on, lose some fat and use it to eradicate the bacteria of your body.

8.     Speed of some of the nerve impulses is up to 432 km/hr.

9.     Woman’s heart beats faster than man’s. Woman’s heart average about 78 times/min while men average about 70 times/min.

 But this difference is due to the size of the heart, which is typically smaller in females. To make up for having smaller heart women heart needs to beat faster. So, if someone says “women have small heart”. Don’t get angry, it’s a scientific fact.

10.    The average person forgets 90% of dreams. It is said that five minutes after the end of dream, we’ve forgotten 50% of the dream’s content and 10 minutes later, we have forgotten 90% of the its content.

11.    A water loss more than 10% of your body weight can cause death due to dehydration.

12.    At birth, child body is made up of 300 bones. But, an adult has just 206 bones. This is because many of them fuse together while growing.

13.    The hardest substance of your body is enamel, the outermost layer of your teeth. Brushing teeth so aggressively can wear down enamel and make your teeth sensitive to hot and cold food.   

14.    If all the blood vessels of human body place end to end, they would encircle earth four times.

15.    Belly button have special hair follicles to catch lint.

16.    Your stomach also turns red when you blush.

 Blushing happens when a surge of adrenaline releases which makes tiny blood vessels called capillaries widen all over your body. This is especially obvious in your cheeks and stomach lining because they are close to surface here.

17.    Cornea is the only living tissue of human body with no blood supply. It gets oxygen and nutrition directly from tear fluid on the outside and aqueous humour on the inside. The cornea is also the fastest healing tissue of the human body.

18.    We all have tiny mites living in our eyelashes. These mites can live on other hair follicles of humans and mammals also.

19.    You might have a smartphone with the storage capacity of 64 GB or 128 GB or you might have a laptop of 512 GB or 1 TB storage capacity.

But do you know the memory capacity of your brain? It is much more than these numbers. According to scientists your brain memory capacity is about “2.5 petabytes”.

As a number “petabyte” means 1024 terabytes or million gigabytes. So, the average human brain has 2.5 million gigabytes digital memory.

20.    Your heart has its own electrical impulse. It means your heart can keep beating as long as it has oxygen supply even if it is separated from the body.

21.    Your brain can recognise a sound of as little as 0.05 seconds which is 10 times faster than blink of an eye.

22.    Teeth are the only body part of our body that can’t heal itself.

23.    We wake up taller in the morning. We’re about 1 cm longer in morning than evening. This is because the cartilage and fluid present between our bones get relaxed and expand during night when we sleep.

24.    Just like fingerprints, humans also have unique tongue prints. So, dear criminals never lick a gun.

25.    Depending on the acidity, if the stomach acid made in contact with your skin, it could eat a hole in it.

 Our stomach produces stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) to breakdown food and to kill the bacteria.  This acid does not harm your stomach because this acid is present in very dilute form and stomach is protected by a protective mucus layer.

26.    The surface area (600 -810 Sqft) of human lungs is approximately equal to area of a badminton court.

27.    In the camera terms, the resolution of human eye is about 576 megapixels. The highest megapixel camera in the world is of about 50 megapixels till date.

 Now you can imagine the digital resolutions of your eye. Human eye can distinguish between 10 million colours.

28.    Entire surface of our skin is replaced approximately in every 28 days. Which means we have about 1000 different skins in our life. In fact, most of the dust underneath your bed is your dead skin cells.

29.    Your liver is capable of fully regenerating its original size, even after removing as much as 75% of the entire organ.

 People who donate part of their liver, they don’t need to worry. Their liver will soon regenerate the part which has been donated.

30.    The same enzymes that are responsible for digesting the food we eat will begin to digest the human body itself after death. The process is called autolysis, it begins around four minutes after death.

So, these are some amazing and flabbergasting facts about our body. I hope you’ve learned a lot today about your body.

Humans are the superior species with every right on earth. So, it’s our responsibility to save other species and nature. We all know that many human's activities are causing damage to our ecosystem. So, put a little effort towards saving the nature and take care of your health and your body.

If you want to know more facts, you can tell us in the comment section below.

Just one question for you; if our eyes can distinguish only 10 million colours, why do we need 1 billion colours combination display in a smartphone? Comment below.